/ / / Ford Mustang S550 Fuel Pump and Sender FR3C-9275-AB / FR3C-9H307-AF & Yard SF124

Ford Ford Mustang S550 Fuel Pump and Sender FR3C-9275-AB / FR3C-9H307-AF Mustang S550 Fuel Pump & Sender Yard SF124

£118.00 £125.00

Key Characteristics

Make: Ford

Product Details

Ford Mustang S550 Fuel Pump and Sender FR3C-9275-AB / FR3C-9H307-AF

Supplied as a Matched Set

The Pump Has Been 12v Bench Tested and Working

NOTE... Both the Arm on the Sender and the Top of the Fuel Pump Have Some Corrosion

              This Corrosion Does NOT Affect the Operation of Either of These Units